Saturday, January 1, 2011

Warp 11 Motor failure

Quest for an Electric Porsche Boxster.

Drove out to the lake and back. Something came loose in the motor when driving in 2nd gear up to about 4000rpm when leaving the marina parking lot . It clinked and scratched loudly at first, as if bouncing around, and eventually settled down, temporarily went away at lower rpms. I was able to drive home and heard the noises a few more times when going up hills or perhaps bumps as if something plastic was bouncing around in there. It wasn't as loud as at first. It would settle down on even road and had no perceptible noise for fairly long distances at 2500rpm going about 50-55mph. Once home, I tested the motor in neutral and you can hear scraping sounds. I think this motor is going to need TLC from Netgain.

On a lighter note, replacing the motor mount has made a noticable difference on take offs, and overall the handling going to the lake was very good. The efficiency on the trip was about 1.8Ah/mile which is pretty good, and power performance is pretty good too, particularly since lowering the minimum voltage limit on the Zilla. I don't think there is much more room for maximizing performance with this battery pack however, and I may swap out the Zilla Z2K for a Z1K as that should be more than enough for this pack.

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